
Soft skills – Event Management Recruiters look for candidates with certain hard skills and soft skills. The former are the group of technicalskills and specific knowledge needed to perform a particular task or function. The second, personal skills, belong to the group of requirements common to almost all jobs, that is, they are the characteristics that make us “employable” in the eyes of any recruiter. Event Management requires a host of skills intermeshed to create a seamless end product beingthe event. This course will cover the basic structure and strategies used by professionals in the field to accomplish a successful event across different types of events. Managing a function based on professional skills, for example, becomes increasingly necessary in organizations, because this model emerged as an alternative to what was used for years, where the focus was only on technical skills. We know that today having only hard skills is not enough to be a good professional, with soft skills being increasingly valued in the job market. This course has been designed by the events industry and teaches you the skills that you need tosucceed quickly and conveniently. Event Management is the coordination, running, and planning of all the people, teams and features that come together to create every kind of event. Event Management students are trained in areas like analyzing, planning, marketing, producing and evaluating an event. The world of event management has changed tremendously in the last few years. This course will give the students a combination of research based approach alongside practical implementations. It is increasingly necessary for a leader to know how to inspire his team, have a good ability to persuade and instill confidence, know how to listen and also manage their times, among others. The topicality of the subject and the absence of specific training on this subject, make it a priority and a wise investment.


  • Understand its importance of Event Management in the current context of the labor market.
  • Have access to the Event management catalog and understand the importance of its application
  • Learn to develop individual Soft Skills and its applications
  • Linking individual capabilities and the labor market
  • Link skills and career management.


The assessment is continuous, including participation in forum discussions (60%) and the preparation of a final work related to the topic in question (40%). During the course, the trainee is expected to actively participate in the discussion forums that will be made available and to carry out the proposed learning activities (e-activities). The trainee must also prepare a work, so at the beginning of the action the trainees will be provided with evaluation criteria and parameters .

  • Equacionar os aspetos legais e aplicar metodologias associadas aos testes de penetração.
  • Planear, delimitar e reportar os resultados de um teste de penetração.
  • Conduzir o processo de reconhecimento passivo e ativo.
  • Usar o Kali Linux e a framework Metasploit, bem como outras ferramentas para a fase de exploração de vulnerabilidades.
  • Proceder à exploração de servidores e aplicações Web.
  • Usar ferramentas para a quebra de passwords.
  • Exploração vulnerabilidades de rede e ataques relacionados com redes wireless.
Cristina G

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Andreia P.

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.


  • Event Design(16h)
    • Emotional Intelligence and Concept (3h)
    • Skills evaluation and structure (3h)
    • Creativity (3h)
    • Unique selling proposition (3h)
    • Current market (4h)
  • Event Planning(20h)
    • Time management (4h)
    • Risk management (4h)
    • Logistics and coordination (4h)
    • Key personnel roles and responsibilities (4h)
    • Strategic Implementation (4h)
  • Event Production(20h)
    • Knowledge in transformation from plan to execution(4h)
    • Core Knowledge- service providers and vendors(4h)
    • Space and design (4h)
    • Mitigation of Risks involved (4h)


    Virtual training is specifically created for learners to gain soft skills and be job ready. This action is taught in a distance teaching and learning regime through the online modality, in a virtual classroom environment, using the eLearning platform in use at Universidade Aberta. The term “virtual class” applies to organized spaces where multiple interactions take place between teachertrainee, trainee-teacher and trainee-trainee, creating communities for sharing knowledge and experiences, where trainees are encouraged, through various problems to make meaningful learning. The course has as its general reference framework, in terms of teaching methodology, the Virtual Pedagogical Model of Universidade Aberta.